So much for the Paleo diet.
French toast is the best way to end a weekend. See the excellent mug Anthony got for me? He knows I love colorful owl patterns. What’s even better about this mug is that there’s an owl on the inside! It’s the little things that make life that much better.
I wasn’t the only one indulging this weekend. During my 21-miler on Saturday I snapped a few photos of Friday night leftovers:Think these guys were from the same pie? I found them about 7 blocks apart.
That’s the loneliest jumbo slice I ever did see. Other than that, it was a lovely 3.5-hour journey through DC.
This family will never know that I’m featuring them on this blog. hehe.
My first mattress shot from southeast DC! I live in northwest, so it’s a big deal to run to another quadrant. This made me feel right at home.It wasn’t the most scenic route I’ve been on, but it felt good. Humidity was a killer, but I had good chats with the DC Road Runners and a mandarin orange Gu to fuel me.
As soon as I got home, I headed out to meet up with Anthony and his friend Laki for brunch at Lauriol Plaza.I still felt a bit exhausted/ill from the big run, so a big greasy bowl of Mexican food just wasn’t appealing right then. Sad, I know. Anthony and I split the fajitas which were perfect!
What a great time. Laki was only visiting for the weekend — he recently moved to Australia. We were sad to see him go.
We wished a lot of other people farewell this weekend, too:
On Saturday we had a final dinner with Shane and Kristen – also moving to Australia.
Then met up with Katie, who is moving to Malawi.And Friday, we got together with Melanie. Okay, she isn’t leaving just yet, but she’s moving to Bosnia in a couple months so we’re already starting to get sad.
DC is a very transient and fast-paced city. I’m actually pretty surprised I’ve been here for almost 3 years! Anthony too. We’ve had some close calls where we almost moved, and both of us have done a fair bit of worldly traveling since we arrived…but, I think it’s safe to say we’ll be in The District for at least another 12 months. It’s a pretty great place to be, even though your friends circle in and out of town every month.
The only way to cope with all the change around town is to do lots of running and more yoga. Yesterday we went to Buddha B for 90 minutes of pure om. Okay, actually the class was sort of ridiculous with all of the chanting and breathing — I am sorry but I just can’t take the meditation part seriously! Anthony and I got the giggles during class. Instructor was not happy.Maybe I should just stick to running. I set out on this cool morning for a jog to start off the week:
And basked in the chilly weather. I can’t believe it, but fall might finally be here!